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8 Easy Sustainability Ideas to Implement as a Company

laptop with a plant growing out of the keyboard

Today’s zeitgeist follows Earth-friendly ideas for every part of life. From switching to paper straws to buying recycled paper, sustainable living is the wave of the future. As a business, there are many ways to implement easy sustainability ideas into daily operations right now.

1. Go Paperless

One of the easiest ways to be more sustainable in today’s workplace is to remove the paper element. Truthfully, most companies are using digital filing, contracts and other software for their “paper.” Printing out hard copies isn’t necessary anymore because of digital signatures, for example. By using today’s latest hardware and software, the old filing cabinet in the back room can be removed, and there may be no need for new paper reams, either.

2. Install Recycling Bins

office with recycling bins

Another simple way to encourage recycling is by adding bins to your offices. Preferably, install bins beside the waste containers. For example, purchase aluminum, paper and organic waste bins. With clear lettering on each bin, employees can quickly dispose of their items while helping the environment.

Undoubtedly, a compost bin is a valuable tool inside a busy office. Compost any meal scraps instead of filling local landfills, for instance. Alternatively, use the office compost for a company garden. Certainly, the nutrients are rich for plentiful plant growth.

3. Look Into Alternative Energy

Depending on the company’s size, think about using alternative energy to power offices, warehouses or factories. For instance, factories might benefit from switching to solar or wind power. Alternatively, small offices could use solar panels installed on the rooftop for their operations. By using sustainable energy, your company shows customers, clients and colleagues that you care for the Earth and its resources. As a result, your company might gain more partnerships because of your responsible, business ethics.

4. Alter Powered Devices in the Workplace

board room meeting with woman holding a lightbulb paper cutout

A side effect of implementing sustainability practices in the workplace is cost savings. Ideally, replace those old, overhead lights with LED lights. Light-emitting diode light bulbs use substantially less power than standard light bulbs, for instance. Remarkably, LED light also lasts longer with a strong light source throughout its use.

Next, focus on computer use around the office. Consider a sleep setting across the computers so that they aren’t idling with their screens on for more than a few minutes at a time. In the end, these small changes will reduce energy costs and help the environment.

5. Add a Refrigerator With Filtered Water to the Break Room

Lately, many companies offer free water and snacks in their break rooms as a strategy to bolster morale. Although this gesture is positive, bottled water creates waste in the long run. Alternatively, consider an upgraded refrigerator in the break room with filtered water. As a result, employees bring their own cups or mugs to work. Fewer plastic bottles are needed, which leads to a better environment overall.

6. Consider Remote Work

man typing on a laptop working from home and surrounded by plants

A clever way to help the environment and attract top-notch employees is offering remote work. Whether employees are fully remote or work on a hybrid schedule, less commuting reduces emissions in the atmosphere. In addition, quality employees seek out this freedom, which means you’ll have hardworking individuals improving the company’s reputation. In truth, remote work is possible for only certain industries. Because this scheduling model is sought after by the best workers, evaluate your business for implementation today.

7. Update Product Packaging

If your company produces a product, analyze its packaging. Generally, products often have a mixture of paper and plastic to protect or market the items. By switching to recyclable materials, your company can help the environment and show off a sustainable reputation. Possibly, the recyclable materials might be less expensive than new materials. With a cost-saving change in play, many companies make the switch to recycled materials every day.

8. Improve Indoor and Outdoor Plant Installations

Office building with green plants surrounding

Adding trees, bushes or gardens around an office building improves the environment. Primarily, it cools the region with natural shade. With cooler surroundings, less energy might be used on air conditioning.

Next, a bountiful garden offers a refuge for employees while on break. As they enjoy the fresh air, oxygen generated by the plants can improve mental and physical health. Afterward, employees feel ready to take on the next challenge of the day.

By combining civilian and business recycling power into one, the Earth has a strong chance at a healthier tomorrow. Consider these ideas while starting new ones throughout the fiscal year. Recycling can be a habit that’s just commonplace today and tomorrow.

Author Bio

Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Franchise Direct Canada, a company that advises franchised businesses to introduce environmentally friendly practices within their businesses.